Dostopna odličnost: popolni čebelji izdelki za vsakogar!
Preverjena kakovost
Slovenski med z zaščiteno geografsko označbo
Zaupanja vredni
Mellifera je zaščitena blagovna znamka.
Okus tradicije
Med, kot ga pridelujemo, ohranja vso tradicijo in skrb za čebele, da lahko uživate v bogatem okusu, ki vam prinaša del narave v vsakdanje življenje.
Naravna moč
Naš med je več kot le sladilo; je vir energije in okusa, ki ohranja svojo polno hranilno vrednost.
Dar narave
Naša filozofija temelji na spoštovanju čebel in okolja, zato vsak naš izdelek odraža skrbno ravnovesje med naravo in človekom.
Have you ever wondered why we ingest harmful chemicals and artificial ingredients to keep our bodies healthy? We do. That's why we check every ingredient that we want to enter our body according to strict standards.
We believe that today's most common health problems can be solved with better ingredients found in nature.
We do not add anything to change the taste, smell or color of the honey, as we want it to remain pure and natural.
We never collect too much honey from our hives. We always make sure that our green apiaries are far away from harmful chemicals.
Our 100% Slovenian honey carries the SMGO label (Slovenian honey with geographical indication), certified by the Beekeepers' Association of Slovenia.
The bees produce it on the carefully selected pastures of the Lendava Plains and Maribor Pohorje and Kozjansko Park.
Where do you get your bee products from?
We like to talk about procurement. All our products come from small, remote apiaries mainly in Lendava, Pohorje forests and Kozjansko park. We work with our beekeeping partners to ensure our bee products are sustainably sourced and of the highest quality. The health of the bees is always put first.
Why are bees so important to the planet?
Every third bite of food you eat comes from bees. Without them, we would lose apples, almonds, cucumbers, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower and more if the bees disappear. And this is just one of the many consequences of losing our buzzing yellow friends.
If I am allergic to bees, can I use your products?
There is rarely a connection between allergies to bee stings (bee venom) and bee products. However, in such situations, we always recommend consulting a doctor. Your safety is our number one priority.
Slovenian honey
Slovenian honey with a protected geographical indication is produced in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. It has stricter quality criteria prescribed by the National Honey Regulations.
Slovenian honey with a protected geographical indication contains less than 18.6% water and less than 15 mg/kg HMF.
Slovenian honey with a protected geographical indication includes acacia, flower, linden, chestnut, spruce, forest and wood honey.
It can be identified by a protective label, which is pasted over the lid of the jar and contains the European protected geographical indication symbol and a serial number, which enables the traceability of each jar of honey.
In addition to the well-known origin of Slovenian honey, the protected geographical indication also guarantees a higher quality of honey.
Finalisti tekmovanj
V letu 2022 je naš slovenski ajdov med zasedel mesto med finalisti, medtem ko je v letu 2023 naš slovenski gozdni med dosegel enako prestižno uvrstitev na svetovnem tekmovanju v ocenjevanju okusov temnih medov v Združenih državah Amerike.
Največji medomat v Sloveniji, ki stoji v Supernovi Ljubljana Šiška, vam vsak dan omogoča dostop do lokalno pridelanega medu in čebeljih izdelkov Mellifera. Pristen okus narave na dosegu roke!
Darini paketi
Obdarujte z zaupanjem. Naši darilni paketi so sestavljeni iz vrhunskih čebeljih izdelkov, ki so naravni in skrbno izbrani za vas in vaše najdražje – čudovit poklon, ki govori o kakovosti in tradiciji. več o tem